Nostalgia for Merino Wool

Nostalgia for Merino Wool



The Wonderful World of Merino Wool

Our Merino Wool are from an reputable mill using Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a natural, biodegradable fiber that is renewable and sustainable. An Italian mill who for over a century has been revered for the superb quality of its products and commitment to constant innovation, numerous initiatives around sustainability and transparency in production.

Merino wool has long been prized for its soft, comfortable, and versatile properties. It comes from a breed of sheep that produces a fine, soft, and springy fiber that has natural breathability and moisture wicking properties. The fibers bend and flex with movement but also provide warmth by trapping air. This makes merino wool comfortable to wear in a wide range of temperatures and activities, from athletic pursuits to lounging around the house.

Temperature Regulation Merino wool is excellent at helping your body maintain its optimal temperature in various conditions. The crimped fibers trap warmer air on cold days but also allow heat and moisture to escape when temperatures rise. This temperature control helps merino clothing keep you comfortable in an impressively broad range of weather and environments.

Odor Resistance One of merino wool's most popular attributes is its inherent odor resistance, even after multiple days of wear. The wool contains an outer layer made of keratin scales that absorb and lock away odor molecules. This helps merino garments stay fresher longer than other fabrics and cuts down on laundry.

Softness and Skin Friendliness Merino wool has a soft, luxurious feel against the skin. Its anti-itch properties make it a good choice for those with skin sensitivities who find other wools irritating. The breathability of the fabric also helps minimize sweat buildup that can cause discomfort.

In our opinion, this is a noble fiber that is luxurious yet durable and timeless that we love so much.




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